J.D. Dodge


132. M Hoppenrath and 9 others including J D Dodge, 2005
Nomenclatural note on a Thecadinium  species (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales), which was described as new independently three times within two months.
J. Phycology 41: 1284-1286.

131. S Yoshimatsu, S Toriumi and J D Dodge, 2004
Morphology and taxonomy of five marine sand-dwelling Thecadinium  species (Dinophyceae) from Japan, including four new species: Thecadinium arenarium  sp. nov., Thecadinium  ovatum sp. nov., Thecadinium  striatum sp. nov. and Thecadinium yashimaense sp. nov. Phycological Research  52: 211-223.

130. J D Dodge, 2003
Taxonomy and systematics of dinoflagellates. In: Out of the Past. Collected reviews to celebrate the Jubilee of the British Phycological Society.Br. Phycol. Soc. Publ. pp. 69-86.

129. R Raine, M White and J D Dodge, 2002
The summer distribution of net plankton dinoflagellates and their relation to water movements in the NE Atlantic Ocean, west of Ireland. J. Plankton Res. 24: 1131-1147.

128. S Toriumi, S Yoshimatsu and J D Dodge, 2002
Amphidiniopsis  uroensis sp. nov. and Amphidiniopsis  pectinaria  sp. nov. (Dinophyceae): two new benthic dinoflagellates from Japan,
Phycological Res. 50: 115-124.

127. J M Lewis and J D Dodge, 2002
Phylum Pyrrophyta (Dinoflagellates). In: The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles, Eds D M John, B A Whitton and A J Brook. Cambridge University Press. pp: 186-207.

126. J D Dodge, 2002
The freshwater algae of Worcestershire. Worcs. Record, 13 p. 7.

125. J  D Dodge and J J Lee, 2000
Phylum Dinoflagellata, Bütschli, 1885. In: The Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa (Second Edition). Soc. of Protozoologists.  pp: 656-689.

124. S Yoshimatsu,  S Toriumi and J D Dodge,  2000
Light and scanning microscopy of two benthic species of Amphidiniopsis (Dinophyceae), Amphidiniopsis  hexagona  sp. nov. and Amphidiniopsis swedmarkii  from Japan.
Phycological Research 48:107-113.

123. R A Fensome and 14 other authors including J D Dodge, 1998
Proposal to conserve the name Protoperidiniaceae against Congruentidiaceae, Diplopsalaceae, and Kolkwitziellaceae (Dinophyceae). Taxon 47: 727-730.

122. Y Okolodkov and J D Dodge, 1997
Morphology of some rare and unusual dinoflagellates from the North-Eastern Atlantic.
Nova Hedwigia 64: 353-365.

121. Y B Okolodkov and J D Dodge, 1996
Biodiversity and biogeography of planktonic dinoflagellates in the Arctic Ocean.
J. Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology, 202: 19-27.

120. J D Dodge, 1996
Biogeography of the dinoflagellate Ceratium in the Indian Ocean.
Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft, 112: 423-436.

119. J D Dodge and L E Shubert, 1996
Algae. In: G S Hall, Ed. Methods for the Examination of Organismal Diversity
in Soils and Sediments.  CAB International, Egham. pp: 67-78.

118. Y B Okolodkov and J D Dodge, 1995
Redescription of the planktonic dinoflagellate Peridiniella  danica  (Paulsen) comb.
nov. and its distribution in the N. E. Atlantic. European J. Phycol. 30: 299-306.

117. J D Dodge, 1995
Thecal structure, taxonomy, and distribution of the planktonic dinoflagellate Micracanthodinium setiferum  (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae). Phycologia 34: 307-312.

116. J D Dodge, 1995
A seasonal analysis of the armoured dinoflagellates of Loch  Eriboll, N. Scotland.
J. Mar. Biological Ass. U K. 75: 219-233.

115. J D Dodge and H G Marshall, 1994
Biogeographic analysis of the armoured planktonic dinoflagellate Ceratium
in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas.  Journal of Phycology, 30: 905-922.

114. J D Dodge, 1994
Biogeography of marine armoured dinoflagellates and dinocysts in the N E Atlantic
and N. Sea.  Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 84: 169-180.

113. J D Dodge, 1993
Biogeography of the planktonic dinoflagellate Ceratium in the Western Pacific.
Korean Journal of Phycology, 8: 109-119.

112. J D Dodge, 1993
Armoured dinoflagellates in the NE Atlantic during the BOFS cruises, 1988-90.
Journal of Plankton Research. 15: 465-483.

111. S Toriumi and J D Dodge, 1993
Thecal apex structure in the Peridiniaceae (Dinophyceae).
European Journal of Phycology. 28: 39-45.

110. J D Dodge and S Toriumi, 1993
A Taxonomic Revision of the Diplopsalis Group (Dinophyceae).
Botanica Marina, 36: 137-147.

109. A J Powell, J Lewis and J D Dodge, 1992
The palynological expressions of post-Palaeogene upwelling: a review. In: Upwelling Systems: Evolution Since the Early Miocene. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publn, 64: 215-226.

108. J D Dodge, 1992
Marine Dinoflagellates. (11 charts on marine dinoflagellates). United Kingdom
Digital Marine Atlas (2nd Edition). [on CD], British Oceanographic Data Centre.

107. J D Dodge, 1991
Photosensory systems in eucaryotic algae. In: J R Cronly-Dillon and R L Gregory, Eds,
Evolution of the Eye and Visual System, Vol. 2., Macmillan, London. pp: 323-340.

106. J D Dodge and R Harland, 1991
The distribution of planktonic dinoflagellates and their cysts in the eastern and northeastern Atlantic Ocean. New Phytologist, 118: 593-603.

105. Gao Xiaoping and J D Dodge, 1991
The taxonomy and ultrastucture of a marine dinoflagellate, Scrippseilla minima
sp. nov. Br. Phycological Journal, 26: 21-31.

104. J Lewis, J D Dodge and A J Powell, 1990
Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts from the upwelling system offshore Peru, Hole 686B,
ODP leg 112. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results:112,
College Station, TX, pp: 323-328.

103. A J Powell, J D Dodge and J Lewis, 1990
Late Neogene to Pleistocene palynological facies of the Peruvian continental margin upwelling, leg 112. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results
112, College Station, TX. pp: 297-321.

102. J Lewis and J D Dodge, 1990
The use of SEM in dinoflagellate taxonomy.
In: D Claugher, Ed., Scanning Electron Microscopy in Taxonomy and
Functional Morphology. Clarendon Press, Oxford.  pp: 125-148.

101. J D Dodge, 1989
Records of marine dinoflagellates from North Sutherland (Scotland).
Br. Phycological Journal, 24: 385-389.

100. J D Dodge, 1989
Phylogenetic relationships of dinoflagellates and their plastids.
In: J C Green, B S C  Leadbeater and W L Driver, eds. The Chromophyte Algae: Problems and Perspectives. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp: 207-227.

99. Gao Xiaoping, J D Dodge and J Lewis, 1989
Gamete mating and fusion in the marine dinoflagellate Scrippsiella  sp.
Phycologia, 29: 342-351.

98. Gao Xiaoping, J D Dodge and J Lewis, 1989
An ultrastructural study of planozygotes and encystment of a marine dinoflagellate,
Scrippsiella sp. Br. Phycological Journal 24: 153-165.

97. J D Dodge, 1989
Some revisions of the Family Gonyaulacaceae (Dinophyceae) based on scanning electron microscopy. Botanica Marina, 32: 275-298.

96. J D Dodge, 1988
An SEM study of thecal division in Gonyaulax (Dinophyceae).
Phycologia, 27: 241-247.

95. G C Kite and J D Dodge, 1988
Cell and Chloroplast ultrastructure in Gyrodinium aureolum and Gymnodinium galatheanum. Two marine dinoflagellates containing an unusual carotenoid.
Sarsia, 73: 131-138.

94. G T Kite, L J Rothschild and J D Dodge, 1988
Nuclear and plastid DNAs from the binucleate dinoflagellates Glenodinium (Peridinium) foliaceum and Peridinium  balticum.  Bio-Systems. 21: 151-163.

93. J D Dodge, 1987
A hypothecal pore in some species of Protoperidinium (Dinophyceae).
Br. Phycological Journal, 22: 335-338.

92. J M Lewis and J D Dodge, 1987
The cyst-theca relationship of Protoperidinium americanum
J Micropalaeontology, 6: 113-121.

91. J D Dodge, 1987
An SEM study of Peridiniella sphaeroidea  and P. catenata (Dinophyceae).
Arch. Protistenkunde, 134: 139-148.

90. J D Dodge, P Mariani, A Paganelli and R Trevisan, 1987
Fine structure of the red-bloom dinoflagellate Glenodinium sanguineum, from Lake Tovel (N Italy). Arch Hydrobiology, Suppl. 78,2: 125-138.

89. J D Dodge and J Priddle, 1987
Species composition and ecology of dinoflagellates from the Southern Ocean near South Georgia. J. Plankton Research, 9: 685-697.

88. J D Dodge and C Gruet, 1987
Dinoflagellate ultrastructure and complex organelles. In: F J R Taylor Ed.
The Biology of Dinoflagellates.  Blackwell, Oxford. pp: 92-142.

87. J D Dodge and J Lewis, 1986
A further SEM study of armoured sand-dwelling marine Dinoflagallates.
Protistologica, 22: 221-230.

86. J Lewis, P Tett and J D Dodge, 1985
The cyst-theca cycle of Gonyaulax polyedra (Lingulodinium machaerophorum) in Creran, a Scottish west coast sea-loch. In: Toxic Dinoflagellates. Eds D M Anderson,
A W White and D G Baden. pp: 85-90.

85. J D Dodge, 1985
The Dinophyceae: A  Eucaryotic group with some Procaryotic characteristics.
Giorn. Botanico Italiano, 119 (Supp. 2): 9-10.

84. J D Dodge, 1985
The chromosomes of dinoflagellates.
Int. Review of Cytology, 94: 5-19.

83. J D Dodge, 1985
Atlas of Dinoflagellates. Farrand Press, London.  119pp.

82. J D Dodge and J J Lee, 1985
Order 2. Dinoflagellida Bütschli, 1885. In: Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa.
Eds J J Lee, S H Hutner and E C Bovee,  Society of Protozoologists. pp: 22-41.

81. G C Kite and J D Dodge, 1985
Structural organization of plastid DNA in two anomalously pigmented dinoflagellates.
J. Phycology, 21: 50-56.

80. J D Dodge and R D Saunders, 1985
An SEM study of Amphidoma nucula  (Dinophyceae) and description of the thecal
plates in A. caudata. Archiv Protistenkunde, 129: 89-99.

79. D V Chapman, J D Dodge and S I Heaney, 1985
Seasonal and diel changes in ultrastructure in the dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella.
J. Plankton Research, 7: 263-278.

78. J D Dodge and R D Saunders, 1985
A partial revision of the genus Oxytoxum (Dinophyceae) with the aid of scanning
electron microscopy. Botanica Marina, 28: 99-122.

77. J D Dodge, 1985
Dinoflagellate taxonomy.
In: Dinoflagellates, Ed. D L Spector, Academic Press, Orlando. pp: 17-42.

76. Vidyavati and J D Dodge, 1984
Mucilage interference in desmids under SEM.
Proc. Indian Acad, Sci. (Plant Sci.), 93: 561-565.

75. J Lewis, J D Dodge and P Tett, 1984.
Cyst-theca relationships in some Protoperidinium species (Peridiniales) from Scottish sea lochs. J. Micropalaeontology, 3: 25-34.

74. R D Saunders and J D Dodge, 1984
An SEM study and taxonomic revision of some armoured sand-dwelling marine dinoflagellates. Protistologica, 20: 271-283.

73. J D Dodge, 1984
The functional and phylogenetic significance of dinoflagellate eyespots.
BioSystems, 16: 259-267.

72. J D Dodge, 1983
A re-examination of the relationship between unicellular host and eucaryotic endosymbiont with special reference to Glenodinium  foliaceum, Dinophyceae.
Endocytobiology, 2: 1015-1026.

71. J D Dodge, 1983
Dinoflagellates: Investigation and phylogenetic speculation.
Br. Phycological J. 18: 335-356.

70. J D Dodge, 1983
Ornamentation of thecal plates in Protoperidinium  (Dinophyceae) as seen by scanning electron microscopy.  J. Plankton Res. 5: 119-127.

69. J D Dodge and K A Steidinger, 1982
Dinophyceae: Introduction and bibliography. In: Selected papers in Phycology II.
Eds J R Rosowski and B C Parker. Phycological Soc. of America. pp. 691-697.

68. J D Dodge, 1982 (reprinted 1985)
Marine Dinoflagellates of the British Isles. HMSO, London. 303pp.

67. D V Chapman, J D Dodge and S I Heaney, 1982
Cyst formation in the freshwater dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella (Dinophyceae).
J. Phycology, 18: 121-129.

66. J D Dodge and  H B Hermes, 1981
A scanning electron microscope study of the apical pores of marine dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae). Phycologia, 20: 424-430.

65. J D Dodge and H Hermes, 1981
A revision of the Diplopsalis group of dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) based on material from the British Isles. Bot. J. Linnean Soc. 83: 15-26.

64. J D Dodge, 1981
Three new generic names in the Dinophyceae: Herdmania, Sclerodinium, and Triadinium to replace Heteraulacus  and Goniodoma. Br. Phycological J. 16: 273-280.

63. J D Dodge, 1980
The use of electron microscopy in the taxonomy of the Dinophyceae.
In: Taxonomy of Algae (Symposium), Madras, 1974. pp. 747-753.

62. J D Dodge, 1980
Morphology and phylogeny of flagellated protists. Endocytobiology,1:33-50.

61. J D Dodge and K Vickerman, 1980
Mitosis and meiosis: Nuclear division mechanisms.
In: G W Gooday, D Lloyd and A P J Trinci Eds The Eukaryotic Microbial Cell.
Society for General  Microbiology, Symposium, 30: 77-102

60. J D Dodge, 1981
Provisional Atlas of the Marine Dinoflagellates of the British Isles.
Biol. Records Centre, Monks Wood, 135pp.

59. D V Chapman, D Livingstone and J D Dodge, 1981
An electron microscope study of the excystment and early development of the dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella.  Br. Phycological J. 16: 183-194.

58. P M Holligan, L Maddock and J D Dodge, 1980
The distribution of dinoflagellates around the British Isles in July 1977: A multivariate analysis. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U K. 60: 851-867.

57. J D Dodge, 1979
The phytoflagellates: Fine structure and phylogeny. In: Biochemistry and Physiology
of  Protozoa (Second Edition) Vol. 1. Eds M Levandowsky and S H Hutner 
Academic Press, New York, pp:  7-57.

56. B R Oakley and J D Dodge, 1979
Evidence for a double-helically coiled toroidal chromonema in the dinoflagellate chromosome. Chromosoma (Berlin), 70: 277-291.

55. J D Dodge, 1978
The Cryptophyceae. In: CRC Handbook of Microbiology  (2nd Edn) Vol. II. Fungi,
Algae, Protozoa, and  Viruses. Eds. A I Laskin and H A Lechevalier.
CRC Press, West Palm Beach. pp.513-517.

54. B R Oakley and J D Dodge, 1977
Mitosis and cytokiinesis in the dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae.
Cytobios, 17: 35-46.

53. J D Dodge and B Hart-Jones, 1977
The vertical and seasonal distribution of dinoflagellates in the North Sea.  II. Blyth
1973-1974 and Whitby 1975. Botanica Marina, 20: 307-311.

52. J D Dodge, 1977
The early Summer bloom of dinoflagellates in the North Sea, with special reference to 1971. Marine Biology, 40: 327-336.

51. J D Dodge, 1976
Ultrastructural characteristics of dinoflagellates – the red-tide algae. 
In: Microbial Ultrastructure, Eds. R Fuller and D W Lovelock, Academic Press,
New York and London, Pp. 295-304.

50. M Parke and J D Dodge, 1976
Dinophyta. In: M Parke and P S Dixon, Eds. Check-list of British marine algae – third revision. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U K, 56: 542-551.

49. B R Oakley and J D Dodge, 1976
The ultrastructure of mitosis in Chroomonas salina (Cryptophyceae).
Protoplasma, 88: 241-254.

48. J D Dodge, 1975
A survey of chloroplast ultrastructure in the Dinophyceae.
Phycologia, 14: 253-263.

47. J D Dodge, 1975
The Prorocentrales (Dinophyceae). II.  Revision of the taxonomy within the genus Prorocentrum. Bot. J. Linnean Soc. 71: 103-125.

46. J D Dodge, 1975
The fine structure of Trachelomonas  (Euglenophyceae).
Arch. Protistenkunde, 117: 65-77.

45. R M Crawford and J D Dodge, (1971), 1974
The dinoflagellate genus Woloszynskia. II. The fine structure of W. coronata.
Nova Hedwigia, 22: 699-719.

44. B R Oakley and J D Dodge, 1974
Kinetochores associated with the nuclear envelope in the mitosis of a dinoflagellate.
J. Cell Biology, 63: 322-325.

43. J D Dodge and R M Crawford, 1974
Fine structure of the dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina. III – Phagotrophy.
Protistologica, 10, 239-244.

42. J D Dodge and B Hart-Jones, 1974
The vertical and seasonal distribution of dinoflagellates in the North Sea.
Botanica Marina, 17: 113-117.

41. B T Bibby and J D Dodge, 1974
The fine structure of the chloroplast nucleoid in Scrippsiella sweeneyae  (Dinophyceae).
J. Ultrastructure Research, 48: 153-161.

40. B R Oakley and J D Dodge, 1974
The ultrastructure and cytochemistry of microbodies in Porphyridium.
Protoplasma, 80: 233-244.

39. J D Dodge, 1974
Fine structure and phylogeny in the algae.
Science Progress, Oxford, 61: 257-274.

38. J D Dodge, 1974
A redescription of the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium simplex with the aid of electron microscopy. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U K. 54: 171-177.

37. J D Dodge and B T  Bibby, 1973
The Prorocentrales (Dinophyceae). I. A comparative account of fine structure in the genera Prorocentrum  and Exuviaella.  Bot. J. Linnean Soc. 67 : 175-187.

36. B T Bibby and J D Dodge, 1973
The ultrastructure and cytochemistry of microbodies in Dinoflagellates.
Planta (Berlin), 112: 7-16.

35. J D Dodge, 1973
The Fine Structure of Algal Cells. Academic Press, London and New York. 276 pp.

34. B R Oakley and J D Dodge, 1973
Mitosis in the Cryptophyceae. Nature, 244: 521-522. Also, reply to comments on this note
in Nature, 247, Feb 1st 1974.

33. J D Dodge, 1972
The ultrastructure of the dinoflagellate pusule: A unique osmo-regulatory organelle.
Protoplasma, 75: 285-302.

32. B T Bibby and J D Dodge, 1972
The encystment of a freshwater dinoflagellate: A light and electron microscopical study.
Br. Phycological J. 7: 85-100.

31. J D Dodge and R M Crawford, 1971
Fine structure of the dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina. II. The flagellar system.
Protistologica, 7: 399-409.

30. J D Dodge, 1971
Fine structure of the Pyrrophyta. Botanical Review, 37: 481-508.

29. J D Dodge, 1971
A dinoflagellate with both a mesocaryotic and a eucaryotic nucleus. I. Fine structure of the nuclei. Protoplasma, 73: 145-157.

28. J D Dodge and R M Crawford, 1971
Fine structure of the dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina. I. The general structure of the cell. Protistologica, 7: 295-304.

27. J D Dodge and R M Crawford, 1971
A fine-structural survey of dinoflagellate pyrenoids and food reserves.
Bot. J. Linnean Soc. 64: 105-115.

26. J D Dodge, 1970
The Algae. In: Electron Microscopy and Plant Ultrastructure. Ed. A W Robards,
McGraw-Hill, New York and Maidenhead, pp. 183-205.

25. J D Dodge, 1970
The ultrastructure of Chroomonas mesostigmatica Butcher (Cryptophyceae).
Archiv. Mikrobiology, 69: 266-280.

24. R M Crawford, J D Dodge and C M Happey, 1970
The dinoflagellate genus Woloszynskia. I. Fine structure and ecology of W. tenuissimum
from Abbot’s Pool, Somerset. Nova Hedwigia, 19: 825-840.

23. J D Dodge and R M Crawford, 1970
The morphology and fine structure of Ceratium hirundinella (Dinophyceae).
J. Phycology, 6: 137-149.

22. J D Dodge and R M Crawford, 1970
A survey of thecal fine structure in the Dinophyceae. Bot.  J. Linnean  Soc. 63: 53-67.

21. J D Dodge and R M Crawford, 1969
Observations on the fine structurre of the eyespot and associated organelles in the dinoflagellate Glenodinium  foliaceum. J. Cell Science, 5: 479-493.

20. J D Dodge, 1969
A review of the fine structure of algal eyespots.
Br Phcol J. 4: 199-210.

19. J D Dodge and R M Crawford, 1969
The fine structure of Gymnodinium fuscum (Dinophyyceae).
New Phytologist, 68: 613-618.

18. J D Dodge and R M Crawford, 1968
Fine structure of the dinoflagellate Amphidinium carteri  Hulburt.
Protistologica, 4: 231-242.

17. J D Dodge, 1968
The fine structure of chloroplasts and pyrenoids in some marine dinoflagellates.
J. Cell Science, 3: 41-48.

16. J D Dodge, 1967
Fine structure of the dinoflagellate Aureodinium pigmentosum gen. et sp. nov.
Br. Phycological Bulletin, 3: 327-336.

15. B Leadbeater and J D Dodge, 1967
An electron microscope study of nuclear and cell division in a dinoflagellate.
Archiv für Mikrobiologie, 57: 239-254.

14. B Leadbeater and J D Dodge, 1967
An electron microscope study of dinoflagellate flagella.
J. General Microbiology, 46: 305-314.

13. B Leadbeater and J D Dodge, 1967
Fine structure of the dinoflagellate transverse flagellum. Nature, 213: 421-422.

12. B Leadbeater and J D Dodge, 1966
The fine structure of Woloszynskia micra  sp. nov., a new marine dinoflagellate.
Br. Phycological Bulletin, 3: 1-17.

11. J D Dodge, 1966
The Dinophyceae. In: The Chromosomes of the Algae, Ed. M B E Godward,
Edward Arnold, London, pp. 96-115.

10. J D Dodge, 1965
Thecal fine-structure in the dinoflagellate genera Prorocentrum and Exuviaella.
J. Marine Biological Ass. U K, 45: 607-614.

9. J D Dodge, 1964
Effects of ultra-violet light on the survival and nuclear division of a dinoflagellate.
Protoplasma, 59: 485-493.

8. J D Dodge, 1964
Cytochemical staining of sections from plastic-embedded flagellates.
Stain Technology, 39: 381-386.

7. J D Dodge, 1964
Nuclear division in the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax  tamarensis.
J. General Microbiology, 36: 269-276.

6. J D Dodge, 1964
Chromosome structure in the Dinophyceae. II. Cytochemical studies.
Archiv für Mikrobiologie, 48: 66-80.

5. J D Dodge, 1964
Some effects of maleic hydrazide and other mutagens on the nucleus of a
dinoflagellate. Protoplasma, 58: 312-317.

4. J D Dodge, 1963
Chromosome numbers in some marine dinoflagellates.
Botanica Marina, 5: 121-127.

3. J D Dodge and M B E Godward, 1963
Some effects of X-rays on the nucleus of a dinoflagellate.
Radiation Botany, 3: 99-104.

2. J D Dodge, 1963
Chromosome structure in the Dinophyceae. I. The spiral chromonema.
Archiv fur Mikrobiologie, 45: 46-57.

1. J D Dodge, 1962
The nucleus and nuclear division in the Dinophyceae.
Archiv für Protistenkunde, 106: 442-452.


Abstracts of papers given at meetings by J D Dodge et al. 1960-2000

JD Dodge, 2000. Dinoflagellate blooms in two S Worcestershire ponds. Abs. BSSP Meeting, Birmingham. p. 8.

J Lewis, PB Tett & JD Dodge, 1999. On the sinking of dinoflagellate cysts. Phycologist, 52 p. 12.

JD Dodge, 1998. Biogeography of the planktonic dinoflagellate genus Ceratium  in the NE Atlantic. Abs. The Flagellates, Systematics Assn. Symp. Birmingham, p. 6.

JD Dodge, 1998. Species diversity of planktonic dinoflagellates in the NE Atlantic and North Sea. Abs. 6th Int. Conf. on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Trondheim, p. 34-35.

JD Dodge, 1998. British Phycological Society Founders Lecture: Planktonic dinoflagellates, tell-tales of the oceans. Phycologist, 49: 12-13.

JD Dodge, 1996. Biogeography and biodiversity of planktonic dinoflagellates around the British Isles: Their value as indicators of unusual water movements. Abs. U K Oceanography ’96, p. 125.

A Newton, JD Icely & J Dodge, 1996. Cape St Vincent upwelling, nutrients, dinoflagllates and aquaculture. Abs. U K Oceanography, ’96. p.190.

MC Kelly & JD Dodge, 1996. The use of Scallop (Pecten maximum L.) digestive systems in monitoring toxic dinoflagellate outbreaks. Phycologist, 43: 36.

GM Kennaway, JD Dodge & J Lewis, 1994. The temporal and spatial distribution of phytoplankton in the Irish Sea during May 1993. The Phycologist. 37: 31.

JD Dodge, 1993. Biogeography of the plankton dinoflagellate genus Ceratium. Abs. Asia Pacific Phycological Forum, Seoul., p. 27.

JD Dodge, 1993. Biogeography of the planktonic dinoflagellate Ceratium in the North Atlantic Ocean. Abs. 15th Int. Botanical Cong., Tokyo, p. 323.

JD Dodge, 1993. Distribution and biogeography of planktonic armoured dinoflagellates in the North Atlantic.Abs. 5th Int. Conf. on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Zeist, p. 31.

JD Dodge, 1993. Biogeography of coastal dinoflagellates around the British Isles. Phycologist, p.25.

JD Dodge, 1992. Biogeography of cyst-forming dinoflagellates in the NE Atlantic and North Sea. Abs. 8th Int. Palynological Cong., Aix-en- Provence, p. 37.

KA BeruBe, JD Dodge & TW Ford, 1992. The use of image analysis to quantify the effects of salt shocks on Dunaliella bioculata.  Br. Phycological J. 27: 84.

JD Dodge, 1992. Analysis of dinoflagellate distributions in the NE Atlantic and North Sea. Br. Phycological J. 27: 88.

KA BeruBe, JD Dodge & TW Ford, 1991. The effects of environmental stress on the fine structure of Dunaliella  species. J. Phycology (Supp.) 27: 9.

JD Dodge, 1991. Distribution patterns of armoured planktonic dinoflagellates in the NE Atlantic. Journal of Phycology, 27 (Supp): 19.

X Gao & JD Dodge, 1989. The life cycle of a marine dinoflagellate Scrippsiella sp. Abs. 4th Int. Conf. on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates , Woods Hole, p. 53.

JD Dodge, 1989.An examination of the ventral epithecal plates of modern species of Gonyaulax and related genera. Abs. 4th Int. Conf. on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates , Woods Hole, p. 34.

JD Dodge, 1989 Armoured dinoflagellates in the N E Atlantic. Br. Phycol. J. 24: 302.
JD Dodge, 1987 Dinoflagellates: Primitive or advanced. A new look at the phylogeny of the group. Abs. Int. Phycotalk Symposium, Varanasi, p. 9.

JD Dodge, 1987 Chloroplast structure and algal phylogeny. Absts. 14th Int. Botanical Congress Berlin. p. 259.

JD Dodge & JM Lewis, 1986. Further studies of the thecate dinoflagellates of sandy beaches. Br. Phycol. J. 21: 328-9.

JD Dodge, 1985. A reassessment of the genus Gonyaulax  by means of scanning electron microscopy. Abs. 3rd Int. Conf. on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Egham.

J Lewis & JD Dodge, 1985. The germination of dinoflagellate cysts from Scottish sea lochs. Abs. 3rd Int. Conf. on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Egham.

JD Dodge, 1985. A SEM study of the dinoflagellate genus Gonyaulax: Is there a case for a split? Br. Phycol. J. 19: 183.

GC Kite & JD Dodge, 1984. Can plastids be re-evolved? Glenodinium foliaceum: facts and implications. Br. Phycol. J. 18: 201-202.

P Burton & JD Dodge, 1984. The nuclear capsule of Protoperidinium depressum. Br. Phycol. J. 18: 201.

RD Saunders & JD Dodge, 1984. A scanning electron microscope investigation of armoured dinoflagellates from sandy beaches. Br. Phycol. J. 18: 200.

JM Lewis, JD Dodge, & PB Tett. 1984. Dinoflagellate cysts from a Scottish  sea loch and their germination in the laboratory. Br. Phycol. J. 18: 196.

JD Dodge, 1982. Marine dinoflagellates. NERC News J. 2: 2pp.

JD Dodge, 1980. Glenodinium foliaceum:  A dinoflagellate with an endosymbiont. Endocytobiology, 1:

DV Chapman, JD Dodge & SI Heaney, 1980. Light and electron microscope observations on cysts and cyst formation in Ceratium hirundinella.  Br. Phycol. J. 15: 193.

JD Dodge & B Hart-Jones, 1978. Further progress with mapping the distribution of marine dinoflagellates around the British Isles. Br. Phycol. J. 13: 199.

BR Oakley & JD Dodge, 1974. Mitosis and cell division in Tetraselmis, a member of the Prasinophyceae. Br. Phycol. J. 9: 222.

JD Dodge & B Hart-Jones, 1974. The distribution of some planktonic marine dinoflagellates around the British Isles and a comparison with the earlier records. Br. Phycol. J. 9: 217.

JD Dodge, 1973. A preliminary account of the seasonal and geographical distribution of dinoflagellates around the British Isles. Prog. in Protozool. Clermont Ferrand, p.116.

JD Dodge, 1970. Report of limnological investigations of Lake Tovel (Trentino – N Italy). Stud. Trentino Sci. Nat. B. 47: 91-94.

JD Dodge, 1971. The dinoflagellate pusule: an unusual organelle with an uncertain function. Br. Phycol. J. 6: 269.

JD Dodge & JH Carslake, 1971. Distribution of marine dinoflagellates around the British Isles. ICES Plankton Cttee, L: 9, 4pp.

JD Dodge, 1969. Taxonomic implications of recent fine structure studies of the Pyrrophyta. Abs.  XI Int. Bot. Cong. Seattle, 48.

JD Dodge & RM Crawford, 1968. Variations in the fine structure of the dinoflagellate theca. J. Protozool. 15 (Supp.): 33.

JD Dodge, 1967. Some aspects of dinoflagellate fine structure. Proc. Roy. Micros. Soc. 2: 381.

B Leadbeater & JD Dodge, 1966. The fine structure of dinoflagellate flagella. Br. Phycol. Bull. 3: 152.

JD Dodge & B Leadbeater, 1966. Fine structure and taxonomy in the Dinoflagellates. Br Phycol. Bull. 3:152.

JD Dodge, 1965. Chromosome structure in the Dinoflagellates and the problem of the mesocaryotic cell. Abs. 2nd Int Conf on Protozoology, Excerpta Medica Cong. Ser. 91 no.339.

JD Dodge, 1964. The fine structure of Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta). Abs. 10th Int. Bot. Cong., Edinburgh. pp: 359-360.

JD Dodge, 1963. Nuclear division in Gonyaulax tamarensis (Dinophyceae) and the problem of the central body. Br. Phycological Bull. 2: 282

JD Dodge & MBE Godward, 1961. Experimental evidence for the unusual nature of the Dinophycean nucleus. Br. Phycological Bull. 2: 102.

JD Dodge, 1960. Nuclei, nuclear division and taxonomy in the Dinophyceae. Br. Phycological Bull. 2: 14-15.