compiled by Mona Hoppenrath after Moestrup et al. 2014
last update: 08 September 2014
Species names in bold = validly published
Species names in normal fond = invalid names
Levanderina Moestrup, Hakanen, G. Hansen, Daugbjerg et Ellegaard 2014,
in Moestrup et al. 2014, Phycologia 53: 272. [22 May 2014]
Type: Levanderina fissa (Levander) Moestrup, Hakanen, G. Hansen, Daugbjerg et Ellegaard 2014, in Moestrup et al. 2014, Phycologia
53: 272. [22 May 2014]
fissa (Levander) Moestrup, Hakanen, G. Hansen, Daugbjerg et Ellegaard 2014, in Moestrup et al. 2014, Phycologia 53: 272-281, figs 1-74. [22 May
Basionym: Gymnodinium fissum Levander 1894, Acta Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 12(2): 43-50, figs 5-20 on pl. 2.
Taxonomic synonyms:
Gyrodinium pavillardii Biecheler 1952, Biecheler 1952, Bulletin Biologique de France et de Belgique 36, supplement: 42.
Gyrodinium uncatenum Hulburt 1957, Hulburt 1957, Biological Bulletin 112: 210.
Gymnodinium uncatenatum (Hulburt) Hallegraeff 2002, Aquaculturists' guide to harmful Australian microalgae. 2nd ed. School of Plant Science, University of Tasmania,
Hobart: 40.
Gyrodinium instriatum Freudenthal et Lee 1963, Journal of Protozoology 10: 183.
Gymnodinium instriatum (Freudenthal et Lee) Coats 2002, in Coats & Park 2002, Journal of Phycology 38: 522.
Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung
PD. Dr. Mona Hoppenrath
Südstrand 44, 26382 Wilhelmshaven